Downgrade Premiere Project Converter

Premiere Pro Project Downgrader

Free online downgrade Premiere Pro file (.prproj) Converter Tools.

Please note:

This is a free online Premiere Pro Project File downgrade or conversion tool. Automatically downgrade to the lowest version and download the downgraded file after selecting the prproj file. You can also choose the Premiere Pro version for conversion if you need it. Note: This tool directly changes the software version number in the prproj file. After downgrading or conversion, some filters and effects may be lost. (new features in higher versions cannot be used in lower versions). It is worth mentioning that your files are processed on your computer and will not be uploaded to the website server, so there is no need to worry about your files being leaked.

Legal Disclaimer: is an independent online service not affiliated with Adobe Inc. Adobe® and Premiere Pro® are registered trademarks of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries. This website provides third-party tools for project file version conversion and is not an official Adobe service. For official Adobe products and support, please visit